Platform indicators at north end of picc finally working
On 2016\10\24 16:35, Someone Somewhere wrote:
On 24/10/2016 15:43, Basil Jet wrote:
The software is poorly specified. At Aldgate East eastbound you can hear
the trains coming a few seconds after they appear on the display. Since
most people are not going past Barking, most people don't care if the
next train is a H&C or a District, but it would be nice to know if some
sort of train was coming in the next fifteen minutes.
It would be even nicer for Aldgate East westbound, particularly when
heading for e.g. Angel...
I didn't know there was a problem on the westbound. Didn't they get rid
of the turnaround facility at Whitechapel? There's no excuse for not
giving good info at Aldgate East westbound, unless the describer system
thinks the turnaround at Whitechapel is still there (which wouldn't
surprise me at all, actually).