Suspected bomb on Jubilee line
On Thu, 27 Oct 2016 09:14:49 +0100
Hils wrote:
Many privileged and wealthy people would be seen as criminal psychopaths
if their privilege and wealth didn't exempt them from accountability and
put them above the law.
There's a very good argument that a lot of very wealthy people got their
wealth due to socio or psychopathic tendencies. The route to the top often
involves treading on a lot of toes and generally shafting people on the way up
and to get seriously rich - unless you simply had a very good idea like the
guys who founded google - you need to be seriously hard nosed. Even most of the
landed gentry ultimately got their wealth through their forebears either
doing the dirty work for various medieval kings or by packing slaves into
ships. Not the actions of people with a working moral compass.