Wolmar for MP
On Thu, 17 Nov 2016 12:07:51 +0000
(Mark Bestley) wrote:
On Wed, 16 Nov 2016 14:55:16 +0000
(Mark Bestley) wrote:
On Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:32:45 +0000
(Mark Bestley) wrote:
Roland Perry wrote:
So you don't want immigrants to UK to vote because they wern't born here
and you don't want people who were born here to be able to vote either.
That does not make any sense.
Born here and living here. If you've ****ed off to live in another country
you absolve any right to have an influence on whether your country of birth
remains in the EU since it is no longer your concern. And if all those chavs
and criminals living on the costas are worried about their status when we
exit then they should apply for Spanish citizenship. Ditto anywhere else.
So where can an immigrant vote - his original country or his new one?
I couldn't care less.