Oxford to Cambridge rail route.
In message , at 14:33:50 on Mon, 12 Dec
2016, tim... remarked:
I remain convinced that there is little demand for significant
local journeys on the route and no strategic need for the Eastern
Did you mean "Central section"? The Eastern section (Cambridge to
Norwich) already exists.
From anywhere on (or beyond) the Eastern section to anywhere else at
all, that can't already by done by a sensible alternative.
There is obvious potential for Oxford and Aylesbury to MK services
and as there are already established customers for the local stations
west of Bedford opening up more destinations for these travelers
could be advantageous. But East of Bedford it's a complete white elephant.
East of Bedford is still part of the Central section.
but it is the complete new build part, albeit on a closed track bed,
No it's not.
and therefore has to meet new higher standards at road intersections
(if there are any)
So would a track on either a closed track bed (which it's not) or a new
track bed (which it is).
Roland Perry