London Metropolitan line Watford
Colin Rosenstiel wrote
Actually, the Metropolitan Police District did correspond to a set of
pre-1965 local authorities, but they got reorganised in 1965 (within
Greater London) and 1974 (elsewhere).
I think they retreated from places like Esher (Surrey) much more
recently than that.
and Epsom as well
Greater London Authority Act 1999, it seems
Indeed. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. All I was saying was that the
Metropolitan Police District comprised whole local authority areas as they
existed at the time the boundaries were defined.
Which it didn't. For example both before and after 1965 the Metropolitan
Police District policed a large chunk of the county of Surrey resulting in
residents paying a Police rate to either the Met or Surrey Police. There was
no attempt to align boundaries until much later.
Mike D