RIP Boris Bus
Bendies here in Caen and many other French cities operate “on at the front,
off at the centre and rear” rule. Enforced by onboard CCTV in many locales.
Mind you, Twisto here (aka Kaolis) over-eggs the pudding somewhat with the
message “Je Monte, Je Valide” alternating with the destination on the
front display panel every few seconds. A big irritation in the city centre
when you can’t tell whether your bus is next or one following, since they
are all showing the same front message.
As one friend put it: “Kaolis obviously think we Caennais are stupid. Half
the population is too young to know any other kind of bus – and the rest of
us have had years to learn how it works. We know we have to pay or valider
when we board – what we REALLY want to know is this if it is the bus we
want to board.”
Of course the real anti-social behaviour on our buses is failing to say
“Bonjour” to the conducteur as you compostez, [For the avoidance of
doubt, that’s the person sitting at the steering wheel].
On 4 Jan 2017, Neil Williams wrote
(in article ):
On 2017-01-03 16:11:43 +0000, Someone Somewhere said:
That, allied to their reputation as a "free bus"
I'm not clear why the Bozza bus, which has exactly the same operating
model, isn't also seen that way.
FWIW, the bendy could have been operated as "on at the front, off at
the back" the same as most London deckers. The method of revenue
protection has nothing to do with the type of bus.