GOSPEL Electrification
On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 07:02:15 -0800 (PST)
Paul Corfield wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 February 2017 09:39:56 UTC, wrote:
er routes in South London - to give access to New Cross Gate depot which I =
believe has a wheel lathe whereas Willesden doesn't (happy to be corrected =
on this). The AC only versions will be maintained at Ilford which I expect=
does have a wheel lathe given the vast fleet (Crossrail and LO) that will =
be maintained there.
I'm surprised they've ordered an AC only version. Shoegear doesn't add any
significant weight to a train unlike adding a transformer for AC so why not
just spec the whole lot as dual voltage so they can be mixed and matched as
and when?