On 23.02.2017 2:51 PM, tim... wrote:
"Clank" wrote in message
On 22.02.2017 12:30 PM, tim... wrote:
wrote in message news
On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 10:05:28 -0800 (PST)
Paul Corfield wrote:
the bus market - there are very few viable hybrid single deck buses and
en fewer all electric or hydrogen buses. China seems to have a monopoly
producing electric single deckers (see those on the 507/521) and I
don't t=
European manufacturers caught napping. They only have themselves to
Though I suppose given the prevalence of trolleybuses in Europe
prevalence ?
I can thing of a few places
but only a very few
certainly nowhere near enough to make it a dominant factor for suppliers
I can't think of a city I visit regularly that doesn't have them, to be
I recall you live in Romania (or have I got you mixed up with some else)
Hardly a representative sample
I'm not sure how where I live affects whether or not it's a representative
sample (clue: this year alone I've visited I think 7 cities in 7 countries
other than Romania, across 3 continents. Of those 7, one (Moscow) has, I
believe, the largest trolleybus system in the world, I gather, and at least
two others have systems.)
However, you're right, my sample is no more representative than, say, yours
would be. Which you'd know I'd already stated if you'd read my follow-up.