'Mares promise to Tax School run Mums
"Nimbo" wrote the following in:
. net
Glad to see Ken having the balls to say this. I think the main
problem he has is a lack of dedicated school bus routes in London.
Don't be silly, didn't you know that buses are full of paedophiles? And
that if you make a dedicated school bus service then paedophiles will
just apply for jobs as drivers? And that paedophiles also follow buses
around in their cars in case they contain children. And if buses are
that dangerous, imagine how many paedophiles there must be on the
streets! No, the only way for children to be safe from paedophiles is
if mummy drives them to school herself in her 4 wheel drive armoured
message by Robin May. Inimitable, but would you want to anyway?
"GIVE IN! IT'S TIME TO GO!" - The NHS offers a high standard of care.
"You MUST NOT drive dangerously" - the Highway Code
Spelling lesson: then and than are different words.