Cleaner Air For London?
On 2017-04-28 04:17:46 +0000, Recliner said:
Well, we are doing (slightly):
"Electricity generated in 2016 fell by 0.2 per cent from 339.1 TWh in 2015
to 338.6 TWh.
A lot of that will come from efficiency improvements in homes[1], and
in the case of electricity because gas central heating is now the norm,
not a 3-bar electric fire.
[1] Most of my ceiling lights are 3-bulb GU10 spot fittings, I like the
warm light and shadows from these. As-was, that was 150W per fitting
(and a fire risk from all the heat). Now I'm all-LED it's 18W per
fitting. That's almost a tenth. The telly now is electronic rather
than CRT, too, and the new fridge is more efficient than the old one.
Neil Williams
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