Inside the Vivarail D-Train
On Thu, 6 Jul 2017 06:33:09 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Jan-Martin Hertzsch wrote:
On 07/04/2017 04:17 PM, Someone Somewhere wrote:
... D stock could be quite bouncy ...
It's been a long time since I last rode the Underground,
and even longer since I travelled on D stock, but I'd
attribute the bumpiness of the ride less to the trains,
but more to the track. I mean, it is very, very busy and
therefore wears out rather quickly, in particular around
points. Also, the D stock is lighter than the A and C stock.
The S stock certainly rides a lot better than the D stock on exactly the
same track. I think one other issue with the D stock is the longer car
length, meaning the car ends have a lively ride.
The opposite is true. The longer the wheelbase of a vehicle, the less the
vehicle body vertical angular deflection due to a bump of a given size.