New report highlghts the important role of smaller stations for passengers
wrote in message
On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 13:34:34 +0100, "tim..."
The urine is sold to a man called a lanter who uses the urine to tan
leather which he sells to Vauxhall's hipsters.
How does he filter out Puke?
you're using it to tan leather
why do you need to
(all very hypothetically, of course)
To stop the diced carrots getting stuck in any pipe work?
what pipe work
it's poured into "baths"
OTOH isn't the process based on Urine being an alkali that eventually
becomes part of the caustic solution that does whatever it does to the
hides,, Puke will be the contents of the stomach so acidic in nature.
Too much of it and it will affect the alkalinity of the Urine.
but that would be the question
how do you stop the puke getting there in the first place?
how do you get rid of it once it's there?
For gawds sake it was a throwaway remark,
I know
but you carried on