Cost of big and small tubes
Richard J. wrote:
Piccadilly Pilot wrote:
James wrote:
It means that a lot of national-running trains have to be diesel.
Or be multi-voltage, as most modern electric trains (at least
potentially) are - Electrostar, Desiros, 319s, 365s, EMUs
Silverlink and WAGN use in London, Eurostars.
I can't think of any services which are diesel because of the two
electrification systems. They are diesel simply because of a lack
of electrification.
I can think of some which used to run: the North-West to Brighton
services via the Trent Valley and the WLL.
Which electrification system is used on the WLL?
750V DC 3rd rail from Clapham Junction to (IIRC) Mitre Bridge
Junction, where it becomes 25KV AC overhead.
Sorry, used "is" when I meant "was" in the context of the previous posters
observation about services between the North-West and Brighton.