In message
-sept, at 10:58:57 on Thu, 27 Jul 2017, Recliner
And people think I'm being unreasonable to spurn expections that
e-ticketing with orders of magnitude more bells and whistles will turn
up overnight.
I'm sure you'll love this proposal, then?
As they say "Privacy is dead, get over it".
Apparently an audit trail for one's travel is also dead for the very
person who needs it most - the paying passenger.
In other news, I've received a brand new set of Tesco Loyalty Card
keyfobs, which they claim are a vast improvement over the old ones.
Except the old ones were recognised by their self-service tills and -
CAN YOU EVEN START TO BELIEVE THIS - the new one's aren't.
It's way beyond "you couldn't make this up".
Roland Perry