Latest RAIB on Croydon tram catastrophe
On 03/08/2017 17:35, Recliner wrote:
I suppose most of us (me included) hadn't realised that the increasingly
sophisticated train safety systems and standards simply didn't apply to
trams. I wonder how many, if any, of these recommendations are used in
other trams, here or elsewhere? I suspect none, as Croydon uses standard
tram designs, as used elsewhere. So will other tram systems, in the UK and
elsewhere, also need these safety improvements?
Will the final report include their cost-benefit assessments to support
the recommendations or will they - like most coroners - take the view
that it's not their job to consider resources, and so encourage the "no
price is too high to save the life of ..." approach common after any
"disaster" on rails?
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