London Waterloo international
BrianW wrote:
On Wednesday, 9 August 2017 10:27:38 UTC+1, Recliner wrote:
On Wed, 9 Aug 2017 08:54:23 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
And surely the "hole" in the main concourse should have been covered,
rather than build a new remote concourse.
The best part is that in building this new concourse they've had to
shorten all but one of the platforms there so scuppering any possibility of
stabling two 8 car trains in them.
Is that meant to be fact, or just opinion?
A eurostar is approx 400m long. An 8 car 3rd rail EMU is 8*20 = 160m. x2 gives
320m. I'd have thought even you could have managed that maths.
Yes, and unlike you, I'm not ignorant.
However now
they've lopped a considerable amount off the length of the platforms I doubt
two 8 cars would fit.
They've moved the buffer stops by 50m, so there will still be room for 2x8
car trains.
As for stabling 2 trains in the same platform - it happens elsewhere on the
network, why not at waterloo? Are you saying waterloo is somehow special?
No — where did I say that?
There was plenty of room down below where
the old eurostar concourse and waiting areas were, but no, thats not in use
any more. No doubt it'll just be more shops in 5-10 years time when they
get around to finishing the project.
How long do you think it is since this project started? How long will the
project take, from start to finish?
Well its taken BRB & NR 10 years to get this far, and its been over a year
since building work actually started for them to do frankly not very much.
I have little confidence the refurbishment of the 2 floors below will be
finished anytime soon.
I'm sure they'll be devastated that an ignoramus like you has little
confidence in this large project you know so little about.
Yes. I imagine they'll be about as devastated as HS2 were to learn that
Mr Bell lost all respect for them.
At least Mr Bell makes a real effort to understand the official plan before
politely denouncing it. Spud routinely scorns projects about which he knows