On Tuesday, 8 August 2017 00:25:09 UTC+1, Basil Jet wrote:
On 2017\08\06 23:38, Paul Corfield wrote:
Inspector's report - https://www.gov.uk/government/public...pectors-report
4. Another interesting possibility of extending planned peak extra trains from Enfield to Seven Sisters onwards to Barking via the S Tott curve. As the trains will be common stock in future this would give 6 tph from S Tott to Barking in the peaks. No timescale given, though, for this possible variant service.
The exact quote in the report is "TfL planners are already considering
diverting Enfield Town to Seven Sisters trains to Barking." This might
imply that the entire Enfield service would go that way. Either way it
seems odd... here's some passenger figures from Wikipedia.
Bush Hill Park 0.992 million
Enfield Town 2.107 million
Southbury 0.834 million
Turkey Street 0.604 million
Theobald's Grove 0.352 million
(I can't get figures for Cheshunt Overground only, but it has faster
trains to the Victoria Line and to Liverpool Street via Tottenham Hale.)
So Enfield Town alone has more than the three Southbury Loop stations.
I think Enfield Town needs 8-car trains from Liverpool Street, and the
Southbury Loop should get the 4-car trains from Barking.
I know what the report says. TfL have had plans for extra peak hours trains between Seven Sisters and Enfield Town to try to resolve the high demand on that flow because of the large scale of interchange. Obviously Liverpool St trains are still busy and pick up many more people further south. I have seen no suggestion at all that the current 4 tph peak / 2 tph off peak Enfied - Liv St service would be diverted anywhere.
The extras can't run to LST as there aren't the paths nor any effective intermediate turnbacks. This leaves only a couple of options as to what you do with the trains once they reached Seven Sisters. You either try to reverse on the chord or you run through South Tottenham and reverse them there or on the connecting tracks towards Stratford / Clapton or you send them eastwards on the GOBLIN. Given the GOBLIN is forecast in the future to have continued levels of overcrowding, even with longer electric trains, between Barking and Blackhorse Road I can see the attraction to TfL of trying to add some extra peak frequency on this section. Anyway this is all a fair number of years away given funding constraints. I only mentioned it in the first place as an interesting snippet from the report.
Paul C
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