London Waterloo international
In message , at 08:43:18 on Mon, 14 Aug
2017, Anna Noyd-Dryver remarked:
Note the 10:22 Addlestone train on the board is shown as the "Front 8
coaches of the train".
I wish they'd say "Near" and "Far": I never know what "Front" means!
At certain locations I can understand your confusion - though 'near' and
'far' don't help either if the entrance to the platform is in the middle,
or if it's a multi-platform through station whether or not your train is
already present when you arrive on the platform (especially if it's an
unfamiliar location and you don't know which direction the train will
However at a terminus station where you walk past stop blocks to get to the
platform I'd have thought that 'front' and 'rear' were fairly obvious
Mot normals will see the driver's cab near the buffers and conclude
that's the "front" of the train.
Roland Perry