wrote in message news

On Fri, 1 Sep 2017 12:23:05 -0000 (UTC)
John Levine wrote:
In article , wrote:
I wonder if an alert goes off if a denied card has been used recently and
the person could still be on the bus. Or whether for 1.50 its not worth
hassle of calling the police.
What are they going to do -- stop the bus and frisk everyone until
they find the wicked card? At whicn point the holder will (quite
possibly truthfully) say, oh, sorry, I meant to use my other card.
Buses have CCTV. They can match the bad card with the person quite easily.
And what if the card was stolen in a robbery? I imagine the police would
quite happy to nick the person.
yes but,
getting on a bus and using a card linked to an account which you didn't
realise was overdrawn is not, in anyone's world, going to be a criminal
It a transport operator wants to deny travel to this type of customer, they
have to do just that "deny travel at point of entry", not attempt to
prosecute the pax with a non-existent law after you have let them travel.