Tube passengers tracked by phone WiFi
On Tue, 12 Sep 2017 04:57:17 -0000 (UTC)
Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 08:27:12 +0100
Someone Somewhere wrote:
On 09/09/2017 19:12, Graeme Wall wrote:
SMS initially.
It can be SMS, it could even be electronic billboards or display
screens. Imagine walking on to a tube platform, to be greeted by a
display with an advert from Boots - "Hey Someone Somewhere - you haven't
bought Preparation H recently. If your arse grapes are still troubling
you, you'll be pleased to know that we currently have 50p off our jumbo
tube" or similar....
Of course there is always the option - possibly heresy for Millenials - to
switch off wifi on your phone. I know, its radical, but it might just work.
I usually forget to switch it back on and end up using my 4G allowance at
Why would anyone use a phone at home when there are alternatives with proper
screens and keyboards, virtual or otherwise, not designed for fingers the size
of those of a 5 year old?
Why change environment when you're used to reading fb, usenet, text,
WhatsApp etc on your phone all day? Not tied to one room, use it in
kitchen, lounge, bedroom, bathroom, garden etc. In any case my laptop and
desktop are both so slow that they really need replacing - but I use them
so little that it's not really worth replacing them...
Anna Noyd-Dryver