Widened lines moorgate spur
On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 15:12:00 +0000
Recliner wrote:
On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 06:40:45 -0800 (PST), Piatkow
My reading of the article was that the track right through to Moorgate would
eventually be used with trains stabled in the Moorgate platforms and at
intermediate points. I don't keep old magazines so I can't go back and check
and of course. If the full length of the line isn't reopened yet then clearly
they cannot do that today even if it is still the longer term plan.
Do you remember which issue it was in? I still have last month's
copy, and the new issue arrived today. I've not kept any older ones.
I thought there was room for at least three or four S stock trains to
be stabled in the restored Farringdon sidings, which extend on to the
old CWL track base. I'm not clear why they'd need more.
Perhaps they want it as a backup section to moorgate given platforms are
already in situ and functional except for the northbound at barbican.
Just an idea.
I was under the impression that the rest of the CWL lines track bed to
Moorgate would be used to support new buildings above.
You get a lot of impressions, rarely are they accurate.
Sez Mr Ignoramus.