Gateline Staff Playing Games On Smart Phones
On Sun, 17 Dec 2017 15:07:09 -0800 (PST)
CJB wrote:
Gateline Staff Playing Games On Smart Phones
Uniformed idiot on the gateline at a TfL station on Sunday refused to open the
nearest gate for me - they were all showing red crosses. Reason: he was more
interested in playing games / texting on his smart phone. His attitude was of
complete disinterest.
Most mornings there are 3 staff all hanging around doing nothing - not their
fault - and chatting in the station concourse. It would be far more useful to
have one of them sitting in a ticket office, at least during peak periods
anyway. I'd love to see the cost breakdown of how closing ticket offices saves
so much money because AFAICS all it does is save on the cost of heating the
ticket office room.