Grayling survives after all
On Tue, 9 Jan 2018 16:17:51 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
On Tue, 9 Jan 2018 04:46:14 -0800 (PST)
Paul Corfield wrote:
Ah yes Theresa's disastrous, useless and weak reshuffle. I don't think I'v=
e witnessed such an unedifying shambles from a governing party in my lifeti=
me. All parties have their wobbles regardless of leader but this lot are ju=
st beyond useless. As I said about Mrs May during the election - "useless, =
hopeless and visionless". Every day just keeps confirming this.
Problem is , the labour side is even worse. Corbyn is an unreconstructed
Marxist, ditto McDonnell who arguably is even worse and would stick the knife
into Corbyn the minute labour got elected, Abbott is just a moron who only
got where she is through diversity box ticking, Thornberry is a cookie cutter
human rights parasite completely out of touch with the people Labour are
supposed to represent and the rest of them are just non-entities.
Osborne sums it up neatly in the Standard:
"You have to hand it to this Prime Minister: she’s given us the hat-trick
of the worst reshuffle, the worst party conference speech and the worst
manifesto in modern history.
If they were not facing one of the worst oppositions we’ve ever had, the
Tories would be finished."
True, but Osborne is still bitter about being sacked and he was fairly useless
as chancellor so you usually have to talk what he says with a pinch of salt.