Heathrow Hyperloop hype
On Mon, 15 Jan 2018 17:24:22 +0000, Someone Somewhere wrote:
On 15/01/2018 17:16, Graeme Wall wrote:
On 15/01/2018 16:57, Robin wrote:
On 15/01/2018 16:40, Someone Somewhere wrote:
On 15/01/2018 16:29, Recliner wrote:
But isn't the point of this discussion that if (and it's a whopping
great if) using the Hyperloop technology could give us inter-airport
transfers in the time it typically takes to change terminals in an
airport then that might change the dynamics and cost-benefit analysis
of where to put additional airport capacity in the overall London area.
But could hyperloop deliver this for airside transfers?Â* Many
passengers at an international hub don't want a transfer that requires
immigration+baggage collection+customs followed by baggage
drop+security+emigration.Â* Not impossible but segregating "airside"
passengers (and their through-booked baggage) securely on hyperloop
seems to me non-trivial.
Airside passengers board cars with doors only on one side, other
passengers board cars with doors only on the other side.Â* Stations are
designed accordingly.
Yes - surely it's not beyond the wit of man that certain cars (for want
of a different word) are designated air-side, land-side, luggage or
cargo (presumably the latter two may need to transfer terminals/airports
too) and routed to different end-points (which for want of a different
words we'll call stations).
That's more or less what they do with Eurostar between Brussels and Lille.