Someone Somewhere wrote:
On 30/01/2018 12:41, Roland Perry wrote:
Can you make a radio transceiver out of FPGA's?
Probably not, but you can get SDRs which presumably you can make a radio
tranceiver out of.
And you can make an SDR out of an FPGA. For instance:
You do need a little bit of help with the frontend - ie an analogue
amplifier and ADC. Once you have I/Q samples you can do the rest in
soft-logic (or software). A lot of mobile base stations operate this way.
(You could, in principle, try and do a one-bit ADC using a bare FPGA pin
with an antenna. The gain is such that it won't receive anything but a very
strong signal, which is more likely to be local noise than anything else)
However as I said, and as I see you said, getting type approval for such
a thing may be the unobtanium in this sauce.