wrote in message

On Thu, 1 Feb 2018 15:43:58 +0000, Bill Borland
In article 788466289.539037909.411984.recliner.ng-
, Recliner
Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 19:45:32 on Tue, 30 Jan
2018, Bill Borland remarked:
I don't want my journey planned for me; I want to see all that is
available, and make up my own mind.
That ship sailed long ago for almost all public transport.
But not for London buses:
Airlines were the first to make timetables virtually unobtainable
25 years ago), rather than asking you when you might want to travel,
then suggesting some flights they'd prefer you took.
My thanks to Recliner. That is exactly what I wanted. Thanks also to
the "enthusiastic amateur" who compiled these timetables.
That format must still exist somewhere in the tfl database as it is
displayed at bus stops; why the hell do they not make copies available
to the public, either on paper or on line? National Rail are much more
obliging - paper copies of the timetables for specific lines are
available at stations, often in "help yourself" racks.
The other thing that TfL have apparently given up on is bus maps,
Yes I can't seem to find them even as a download now
Fortunately, I have saved a copy of the south half before they disappeared.
But I am missing the north
The spider maps are useless.
which are invaluable for those of us who like to plan our own
journeys. Again, though, there is an "enthusiastic amateur" who
produces them (http://www.busmap.co.uk/).