On Wed, 28 Mar 2018 17:07:33 +0100
Basil Jet wrote:
On 2018\03\28 16:52, wrote:
So you think fleet interoperatibility is a bad thing then?
I think I am less qualified to comment on it here than the people who
made the decision.
Long termism rarely seems to come into railway decision making these days.
Cost is all that matters - witness the cheap, rock hard seats in the 700s.
In 10 years time I doubt new trains will even have fabric on their seats,
it'll be bare plastic like in eastern europe.
equalise the weight, and I would guess that no combination of six
carriages can be removed from a 12-car 700 to get a functional six car
train, although I don't actually know, but the decision over the stock
was made by someone who did.
Unlikely. More a case of Siemens presented a product which they bought.
Anyway, when the 700s were ordered, they might not have even decided yet
that the Moorgate trains would be from the same manufacturer. If they
If they didn't then they were bloody fools. But having watched the paddington
program on C5 I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that working for the
railways is where fools end up.