On Thu, 5 Apr 2018 16:37:18 +0100
Basil Jet wrote:
On 2018\04\05 09:25, wrote:
Offensive to whom, you? Tough, roll your neck in and deal with it.
No, thicky, offensive to the firemen. They became firemen because they
Is it? Been to ask them have you or are you just another knob getting
offended on behalf of someone else in order to create a non-argument?
like putting fires out. They are stationed on the runway. They see a
fire on the other side of the building, but they have to sit tight and
ignore it because, as you have been told countless times, safety
critical jobs have rules that you get fired for breaking. So they will
Thats why they have bosses that can override said rules if appropriate.
terminal. I have no privileged info here
No ****.
an eight year old, obvious to everyone except you. Actually, it's so
obvious I'm not sure why I bothered explaining it.
You didn't explain anything, you're just another muppet with a Can't Do
approach to life. Did you ever work in the railways by any chance?
I also suspect airport terminals are not very flammable on the outside,
since aeroplanes are basically massive Molotov cocktails being flung
around very carefully.
No, but I suspect a lot of in the interior furnishings are and smoke doesn't
care either way, it'll still poison and suffocate people.
Christ you really are a full paid up grade A gold plated pillock.