On Tuesday, 24 April 2018 21:05:07 UTC+1, C wrote:
On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 11:10:34 UTC+1, C wrote:
The development of the Tin Lizzie Line falters ... as Crossrail winds down ...
Most stations are still building sites, or work has not yet even been started.
Anyone know about this:
The Acton dive under is not in use anymore. On the relevant diagram on Opentraintimes http://www.opentraintimes.com/maps/signalling/d3_1#T_ACTONML it is marked as SHUT. Yet there hasn’t been a mention of this.
Lord Berkeley of the Rail Freight association.
It was his persistent insistence in the Lords & elsewhere that got the dive under built. He argued that without it freight would be seriously delayed in Acton Yard. That is what is happening now & an approximate £30 million pounds of our money has been thrown down the drain.
As reported in another forum, the Acton Dive-under was structurally damaged by a Road-Rail Vehicle (RRV). It is currently under going repair. (As reported on Crossrail website (Route/Near You)).