On 11/06/2018 12:13, tim... wrote:
wrote in message news
On Fri, 8 Jun 2018 16:41:14 +0100
"tim..." wrote:
wrote in message
Sure, and Porcine Airlines will be the first flight out. There is
way they can raise that sort of money on the open market, the
be coughing up if they want it finished. And thats before you factor in
economic chaos that the delays on the M25 caused by putting it in a
will create. All because some idiots believed the spin that we don't
enough runways in the SE. Obviously nobody mentioned Gatwick, Stansted,
all filling up
Hardly. Look at flightradar24 to see the stream of planes not landing at
OK Luton's a bit further from being full than the other 2, but it's
still filling up
London City and Southend to them. And then there's Marsden in kent
soon to be turned into a housing estate. Go figure.
because next to no-one wants to fly from there
three attempts to encourage people to do so have failed.
It's pointless trying again.
Actually I got the name wrong, its Manston, not marsden, but doesn't
I have to say that I didn't notice, as I know exactly where the airport
in "Kent" is, that it is not at Marsden is moot
No one would want to fly from heathrow if it didn't have 2 rail links and
a motorway going to it.
Don't be silly.Â* It's reasonably centrally located in SE England with a
population of about 15 million within an hour and a half's drive
an hour and a half from Manston sees you reach about a million people
The road to Manston isn't bad, it's just at (one of) the farthest
corner(s) of the country
Theres a rail line spitting distance from Manston which
could easily have a short branch line built to the airport just as
happened at
Stansted and it would be a lot cheaper than any new runway at any london
airport, never mind heathrow.
It would be easy to rail link Manston (moving the terminal would be
easier than building a rail spur)
But it's still going to be 1 and half hour away from a London Terminal.
That's just too far
JOOI what's the travel time from a London terminal to Luton?
Graeme Wall
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