On Wed, 13 Jun 2018 10:09:16 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
On 2018\06\11 12:05, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 10:53:46 on Mon, 11 Jun
2018, remarked:
a hub airport brings very little to the UK other than pollution and
profit for Heathrow Plc.
It brings a great deal of employment (on the airport and off it).
It also makes routes which were not otherwise economic to operate,
available to locals to fly on.
... which makes London one of the most connected places in the owrld to
locate a business HQ, which brings more money and talent into the country.
Indeed so, which is why the business community is so keen on the next
runway being at Heathrow. London has been losing out to Amsterdam, Paris
and Frankfurt, and government after government has been agreeing with the
Losing out how exactly? You do know that London is the largest financial
centre in europe and even after Brexit only unilever has shifted to amsterdam
and thats only legally. Oh, and Paris is 2 hours away by train - much quicker
than the plane overall, not that many executives want to work in france with its
45% tax rate for high earners and punitive job laws.