On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 13:46:43 +0100
John Williamson wrote:
On 14/06/2018 13:27, wrote:
On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 10:22:52 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Feel free to point out where exactly that means airliners are incapable of
landing at more than 3 degs and will stall at 6. I notice the other guy
posted a link to back up this assertion. Funny that.
You've had your free education for this month. Go and do your own research.
If you were a teacher I think your school would be in the "failing" category.
And as you well know, if someone makes an assertion its up to them to back it
up, not for others to disprove it. If he doesn't then I'll simply assume he
As you seem not to believe anything you do not have personal experience
of, here is a quote from a Boeing 738 pilot "I can only speak from
personal experience - the steepest approach I've flown in the 738 was a
4.5° final descent, but that's fully configured at flaps 40 from the top
down. Anything steeper or the slightest tailwind and you won't make it."
A boeing 738? Whats that? And where did that quote come from?
As in, the aeroplane stalls and falls out of the sky.
And what approach speed was he doing? It does rather matter. He's not going
to stall if he's doing 200 knots. It it was a T tail plane I could believe it
since they had a habit of having tail stalls at steep attack angles when the
tailplane got into turbulent air from the wings.
Most commercial airliners are not even permitted to go as steep as 4.2
Not permitted is not the same as can't.
degrees. The reason is that to keep flying at steep glide angles, the
airspeed has to exceed the maximum safe landing speed. For an amusing
So? You descend fast then level out to a saner angle and slow down before
landing. And if airliners couldn't do steep descents then any depressurisation
at crusiing altitude would be certain death for the passengers.
I don't know what the initial approach angle of this C130 is but its a damn
sight more than 4 degrees. More like 40.