On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 14:34:43 +0100
John Williamson wrote:
So, a military pilot flying an empty aircraft, with a tiny fuel load to
reduce the landing weight even further, designed specially for short,
high, field operations while trying to impress potential buyers with its
safety margins in normal usage at not far above sea level, while not
worrying too much about margins of safety, should be, in your opinion,
the norm for day to day operations?
I wondered how long it would be before a straw man came along.
His maximum approach angle in that video does not exceed 15 degrees at
And you know this how? Did you put your WHSmith protractor up against the
any time, and, as is normal at City airport, his final approach angle
for the last few seconds is about 6 degrees. At that, his landing speed
is higher than normal. City airport requires special certification of
and some modifications to aircraft using it.
Doing what he did is asking for trouble if done under less than ideal
conditions at maximum permitted landing weight, even in that aeroplane.
And? The fact is he still did it. But yes, its military, so here's an A380
at farnborough. Not only a steep descent angle but turning at the same time,
yet oddly he didn't fall out of the sky: