Pointless messages on electronic platform boards
On 17/08/2018 14:36, Offramp wrote:
I remember a great one at Morden when there was no service Kennington to Morden either way.
The scrolling display said "There is currently no service Morden to Kenn...." and then immediately switched to "No service Northwick Park to Chorleywood because of a person taken ill at Pinner".
For some reason, we never got the full message about the Northern Line.
Oh my God! They killed Kennington!
Basil Jet - listening... P. Morris. PJ Harvey. Palais Schaumburg. Panda
Bear. Parliament. Passengers. Paternoster. Paul Draper. Paul Haig. Paul
McCartney. Paul Simon. Paul Weller. Pavement. Pearls Before Swine. Pega
Monstro. Penderecki. Penguin CafeĢ Orchestra. Pere Ubu. Pet Shop Boys.
Pete & The Pirates. Pete Doherty. Peter & The Test Tube Babies. Peter
Bjorn & John. Peter Blegvad. Peter Gabriel. Peter Murphy. Peter Scherer
& Arto Lindsay. Phew. Phil Hartley. Philip Glass. Phoenix. Photay.