tim... wrote:
"martin.coffee" wrote in message
On 12/10/18 08:27, tim... wrote:
Um, how does building a new line to serve a new area create extra
capacity to accommodate growth on the current network?
Because some passengers will start using the new line in preference to the
old one.
the new line doesn't parallel the old one.
It goes somewhere completely different (having shared track for the first
2/3 stations
You cannot put more trams into Wimbledon station as there is no space so
if you want to increase the numbr of trams along Croydon-Wimbledon axis
you need another terminal. Thus add South Wimbledon - and in ths case
not all its trams will go to Sutton others will go to Croydon.
And that is what is says in the document.
the potential of the
Wandle Valley
"Trams could unlock this by delivering
a new South Wimbledon-Croydon
service, offering more capacity and
new connectivity
• The housing gain could help fund
many of the needed tram
Note Wandle Valley is along the current Croydon-Mitcham tram line.
That's what HS2 is all about.
It's not analogous at all