New timetables online: Park Royal parly to be diverted
On 28/11/2018 16:12, Graeme Wall wrote:
On 28/11/2018 15:49, Mike Bristow wrote:
In article ,
Â*Â*Â*Â*Graeme Wall wrote:
On 28/11/2018 12:33, Mike Bristow wrote:
In article ,
Â*Â*Â*Â*NY wrote:
I'm not sure why a north-to-west facing curve was never built
between the
Heathrow spur and the GWML, to allow trains from Reading, Oxford,
and south Wales to reach Heathrow - even if it involved a change to a
Reading-Heathrow shuttle.
Because the line is at capacity from Newbury to Paddington.
So which services through Reading are you going to divert to
Heathrow?Â* They have to be fast trains, otherwise it'll be quicker
to go to non-stop Paddington and change there.
You missed the bit about a Reading - Heathrow shuttle.
How can a Reading to Heathrow service avoid the line between Newbury
and Paddington (via Reading)?Â* Because that whole section is at
capacity, AIUI, which was the basis for the rest of my comments.
Given the paths are half occupied from Airport junction inward then
there should be space west of Slough on the relief lines.
That would only follow if every train on the relief lines had the same
stopping pattern west of Airport Junction.
Basil Jet - listening... St. Vincent. Star Park. Stealing Sheep. Stephen
Mallinder. Stereolab. Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel. Steve Mackay. Steve
Mason. Steve Reich. Steve Wynn. Stiff Little Fingers. Stonephace. Stump.
Sub Sub. Subway Sect. Suede. Sufjan Stevens. Sugar. Suicidal Tendencies.
Suicide. Sun City Girls & David Oliphant. Sun Ra. Sunday Painters.
Swans. Sweet Baboo. Swell Maps. Swing Out Sister. Swollen Monkeys. Syd
Barrett. Sylvan Esso.