Marland wrote:
Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 07:36:41 on
Thu, 20 Dec 2018, Optimist remarked:
An effective way of reducing aircraft noise!
Police saying they don't want to shoot it down (this assumes they've
literally got it in their sights) because of stray bullets, whereas a
more appropriate technology would be a shotgun.
I had said to the missis why didn’t they just shoot the thing down,
if the Police haven’t got the right weapon I would think one of the
services would and personnel good enough.
They have had enough time to helicopter someone in from Hereford by now.
Perhaps they did need a licensed bird catcher who could launch one of those
nets they use when they need to catch birds for ringing.
How long are the batteries lasting on this thing anyway .
Can’t help thinking there is more to this than has been made public, a
threat of another drone to be launched filled with explosives or something.
As to who who would that you have the usual suspects to which you can add a
protest group against airport expansion or even someone just jealous of
those going away on holiday.
Perhaps Boltar better post every 1 hour so we know he hasn’t been hauled
Amazingly, the disruption has continued into today:
You'd think they'd have worked out by now both how to disable the drones,
and who was operating them.
I'll be flying from Heathrow tomorrow, so I hope Neil and his drone(s)
won't be heading that way then.