On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 at 23:41:12, Al wrote:
Roland Perry wrote:
In message , Al
You are willing to spend not a penny of your cash ameliorating that risk
-- nor will apparently spend a moment of your time planning against the
day one of those risks hit.
Indeed, I'm acting just like any UK resident does when he runs out of
cash: I go and look for an ATM.
I'm afraid, Mr Perry, that you are projecting again. I venture that most
people that run out of cash look in their wallet before going to the ATM,
but perhaps you have evidence otherwise?
Well, duh! Obviously - as where else do you keep your cash???? And
when you have looked in your wallet and found that you have no cash,
what do you do? You go to the nearest ATM, of course!
Of all the foolish statements you have made on this thread, I think that
one is the most foolish.
Annabel Smyth
Website updated 6 June 2004