Drones close Gatwick
In message , at 11:54:23 on Thu, 20 Dec
2018, Someone Somewhere remarked:
What is unreasonable is people who think it's reasonable to commute
50+ miles every day and not suffer any disruption - if everyone did
there would be total gridlock continuously.
The trains being what they are these days, some people might be
forced into it if their boss has given them an ultimatum - turn up on
time or look for a new job.
I didn't specify the transport form - it's impossible to size a railway
for everyone commuting 50 miles each way on that either.
What commuters need is reliability, and that's the same whatever time
they are aiming to get to work (which could be anywhere from 7am to 10am
depending on their job description).
Workers across that range of times can still find themselves disciplined
for being five minutes late, even if every other day they are 25 minutes
Roland Perry