What news on the Goblin 710s?
On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 17:08:57 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 10:22:07 +0000
Robin9 wrote:
The issue is not if it was right to order the 710s. It's whether
TfL should have allowed for a delay preventing their being
in use by December, 2019.
Well they've never been blessed with foresight and they've
painted themselves into a tight corner. If they can't find
some spare 378s then it looks like it'll be a bustitute
until the 710s turn up - whenever that will be. If the delays
are as stated purely down to software issues then I'd venture
these issues are pretty intractable since they should have had an
off the shelf solution ready to go, its not exactly bleeding edge
And which software, exactly, have you reviewed and characterised as 'not
exactly bleeding edge'?
Train software. Its not stealth radar or a spacecraft control system they're
trying to get working. It moves in 1 dimension on a track and moving block
signalling and IGBT train control systems are a solved problem and should be
off the shelf packages from their suppliers. If Bombadier have been dumb enough
to write everything from scratch then more fool them and someone should get
their P45.