When the software meets the hardware
On 26 Jan 2019 23:10:47 GMT
Marland wrote:
Perhaps install more toilets in stations and get rid of them on trains
altogether. We're a small island, there are no journeys really long enough
make them worthwhile except maybe the overnight sleeper to scotland but
not a commuter train.
People travelling 5h30 from Paddington to Penzance might disagree.
Possibly, but those sort of journeys are probably 1 in 1000. There's little
reason to have toilets on most multiple units IMO, certainly not something
like Thameslink where the average journey is probably 45 mins.
Thought you had children?
Many youngsters are not able to go for hours without having to go the
toilet and many seem to want use one soon after all preparations have been
completed ,possibly brought on by excitement.
Would not like to spend the time on a long journey in the vicinity of an 7
year old who has **** himself and a child of that age will not be in
Which is why when we go out as a family we take the car. I'll put up with
delays and all the usual PT bull**** when I'm commuting into London but not on
holiday or for a nice day out.
Then there is the large percentage of the population who are female whose
different plumbing ,menstrual
cycles and smaller bladder capacity when pregnant often means they need
toilet facilities more often than men.
How did they cope in the past?