When the software meets the hardware
On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 18:49:31 -0000 (UTC)
John Levine wrote:
In article ,
If someone can't hold it for that length of time then they need to see a
You'll understand when you're older.
I do hope not.
Be careful what you wish for.
The way things are going you might have bigger worries by the time you
reach those sort of ages ,
Too expensive for the state to keep aged bodies going in a couple of
decades so you pay yourself or peg it like back in the 19th century unless
you have taken out a good and costly health care package.
And even if you can obtain that do you think it will be available for your
children spending most of their income
on accommodation for most of their lives.
So far I can still if necessary not go for more than 12 hours and I’m in my
sixth decade, the people I’ve known
that start to have serious problems have been late 70’s to 90’s.
That just happens to be the same age bracket that some should be encouraged
to stop driving or actually have their licence taken away .
That means they would not be in a position to do what you suggest and drive
along A roads if they need frequent toilet breaks though I suppose there
is an outside chance the self driving car may be reality in a couple of