When the software meets the hardware
On 29 Jan 2019 23:41:04 GMT
Marland wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 18:49:31 -0000 (UTC)
John Levine wrote:
In article ,
If someone can't hold it for that length of time then they need to see a
You'll understand when you're older.
I do hope not.
Be careful what you wish for.
The way things are going you might have bigger worries by the time you
reach those sort of ages ,
Yes, but I suspect not the sort you're thinking of. The way climate change
is going I dread to think of the state things will be in in 30 years time.
along A roads if they need frequent toilet breaks though I suppose there
is an outside chance the self driving car may be reality in a couple of
Maybe, but I have my doubts. The technology is way over hyped and can't cope
away from the nice wide straight roads of north america.