On 05/02/2019 15:24, Recliner wrote:
On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 21:11:00 +0000, eastender wrote:
On 2019-01-31 23:32:27 +0000, Recliner said:
Crossrail latest: Transport boss reveals new line has no chance of
opening this year and he has no idea when it will be
Not being morbid (except I am) there must be real risk of the eponymous
checking out before the opening.
Yes, I had the same feeling, but felt it best not to say so in public.
IMO very wise of you given what section II of The Treason Act 1351 has
to say about compassing the death of the Queen.
Not all bad news for Eastender though: the punishment is no longer to be
hanged, drawn and quartered
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