Basil Jet wrote:
A new footbridge has been built over the line, but I don't think it has
glass in it yet. The site of the future station is nicely muddy but
that's it. I was aware that some of the improved stations on the western
end of the line were said to be lagging behind, but I suspect that not a
sod had been turned by December 2018.
quick google
It turns out contractors had not yet been appointed in January. I'm a
bit baffled by the article... surely work has been going on at Ealing
Broadway for at least a year.
Work at Acton Main Line (surely it should be Acton Relief Line now that
there are no usable mainline platforms?) has been going on for several
months - the footbridge steelwork was erected recently but the concrete
foundations were being worked on well before Christmas.
Meanwhile at Ealing Broadway the new steps from the existing station
structure to the Down Relief/Up Main island have been installed, the old
steps to the down main platform have been removed.
At West Ealing the footbridge steelwork has also been erected recently.
Anna Noyd-Dryver