DfT favours battery trams
Graeme Wall Wrote in message:
On 09/02/2019 17:50, Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote: wrote: On Sat, 9 Feb 2019 18:57:48 +0200 (GMT+02:00) Clank wrote: Anna Noyd-Dryver Wrote in message: Clank wrote: Anna Noyd-Dryver Anna@noyd-dryver= ..com Wrote in message: Clank wrote: On the = other hand... What's wrong with trolley poles? They seem pretty reliab= le even in inclement weather*. On a tram, where the poles wouldn't even= Please introduce your news client to the concept of newlines. Clankâs quoting of my recent posts has been rather odd. It it a problem with my Usenet reader or his? His I assume, I'm getting it too-- Graeme Wall
Yes, it is, and haven't been bothered to work out why ))). Apologies...
Only seems to happen replying to some people (an particular, A.N-D)... I'm open to recommendations of a decent NNTP reader for Android to replace this one.