On 12 Feb 2019 20:34:46 +0000 (GMT)
Theo wrote:
John Williamson wrote:
On 12/02/2019 17:27, wrote:
I have wondered if all the transport companies should have got together
and refused to make deliveries if they have to pay the charge and see
what the little squirt does when the shelves empty in central london.
I drive a coach for a living, and I know that the industry has been
lobbying strongly, and has been totally ignored. I assume the haulage
industry has been doing the same.
The purpose of the plan is to reduce the polluting vehicles in central
London, which it's acknowledged cause too high levels of pollution.
Presumably, lorries and coaches are a big contributor?
So what are the industry proposals that would be a better way to achieve
pollution reductions? What is the industry lobbying *for*, as opposed to
lobbying *against*? (lobbying against taxes is no surprise)
If you dispute that lorries and coaches are major contributors, do you have
evidence for that? If you dispute that pollution is too high, evidence for
The bus and haulage industry don't build the vehicles. Stuff has to be
delivered somehow unless you want to go back to horse drawn carts and until
battery technology allows viable electric goods vehicles and buses** then its
going be diesel.
** Yes, I know about the battery buses in southwark with their not great range
even on the flat ground on which they operate. Put them on a hampstead route
and see how long the battery charge lasts.