On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 12:02:13 +0000, Roland Perry
In message , at 11:41:46
on Thu, 21 Feb 2019, David Cantrell remarked:
It seems like an idea that is definitely worth trying, a sort of half
way house between normal buses and taxis. If it was available in any
part of London that I ever visit I'd give it a go.
It's been going for a while in Essex, in some of the more rural
districts. See
I attend a local transport forum and we're told that ridership has
grown faster than expected. That surprised me as I'd thought that
having to decide in advance that you wish to get the bus would deter
people. But if the demand-responsive service is only replacing a bus
that runs, say, once per day then I suppose spontenaity isn't really a