On 02/03/2019 13:14, Roland Perry wrote:
ps One of the main objectives of the scheme, which was to create a
modal-shift for retirees from car to bus has failed to be delivered. As
perhaps a realist might expect, the pass has mainly been used by
car-less people to avoid paying fares on the buses they were already
using, and take-up is massively skewed towards people who happen to
already live close to good bus services.
[1] such as:
As already said, its difficult to use a bus pass if you don't "happen to
already live close to good bus services". When it comes to "creating a
modal-shift for retirees from car to bus" the same applies. If you want
people to switch from cars it is pointless to give them free travel
unless you first create the bus (or other) services to make it feasible.
This was the line Ken Livingston took in London long ago.
That is certainly my experience. I still drive my own car and before the
bus pass arrived rarely thought about using the excellent London bus
services. That has totally reversed for local journeys because having
tried the bus I quickly found that it is mostly easier and faster,
especially taking into account the usual cost and difficulty of parking
anywhere remotely close to your destination.
Sadly my experience outside Greater London is the opposite. Cashed
strapped county councils have spent years cutting bus subsidies so that
many living outside the main towns will soon have no alternative to
their own car or an expensive mini cab.