Someone Somewhere wrote:
What I've never quite understood is why no-one has started to join up
two things that are suffering for various reasons - public transport and
pubs. Particularly as use of the latter often requires the use of the
Community dial-a-ride vehicles are often unused (or underused) in the
evenings, so why don't rural pubs subsidise them (or as a minimum help
organise a service) to use for carrying punters of an evening?
Often a small town can be surrounded by several villages and residents
of the villages may want a night out in town and vice versa (assuming
the nice village boozer hasn't shut down).
Even without pub subsidies, these are servicees that would attract a
fare that may make the "community" uses of such vehicles viable outside
of when they are doing the pub run.
Very difficulty to cater for everyone ,some would like to drink to the
bitter end ((sorry) others would wish to leave earlier . Getting someone
willing to drive and clean the vehicle which would mean working till the
early hours will not be easy either, with the best intentions in the world
someone will make a fool of them seriously and be sick which means an
unattractive vehicle for the users next day .
And to be honest I don’t think there would be that much of a demand and in
addition pubs that would subsidise such a service would be rare. Those that
need such a service bringing half dozen or so customers
won’t be viable enough in the first place to support one.
There is the odd pub that has tried running their own minibus to take
customers home but the one that tried it
In a village near Southampton had to give up as the local authorities felt
they were providing an unlicensed taxi service.
And that was a pub that is buzzing anyway and not depending on some old
farts from Camra turning up.
They have hit a new niche now and specialise in catering for dog owners
with organised walks and dog friendly facilities.
That is how a pub survives now , finding a niche and getting known for
it,in this case so successfully that people with children have moaned that
they are less welcome than people with dogs.
All power to the pubs elbow then.